Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thesis, hauntings, Alison Knowles, Oh MY!

Another day, another presidential debate. I wonder if Joe Six Pack and Joe Plumber know each other. I hope that Joe Plumber has a six-pack, and that Joe Six Pack has a plumber. Do they know how famous they are?

Anyway, neck deep in the initial stages of thesis in preparation for the departmental critique at Columbia on Tuesday, I've found myself in the frantic territory of detailing a work specifically enough to get approved, but ambiguous enough to allow the evolution of process that is intended for this piece. In the meantime, I've become a city hermit, spending my time in my studio, in class, tending bar, trolling museums, and scaring folks at The Silent Theatre's Haunted Sanitarium. It's silly and fun, and I forgot how much I enjoy working with make-up. I wish my face enjoyed it, as well. Alas...

I'm not going to get into too much detail on my thesis, as it is evolving in its very early stages. The initial working title was "Transient;what it means to move on," which turned into, "Transition and moving again" and continues to change. At this point, it is an installation piece combining waiting rooms, photobooths, pinball machines and the rate of motion in personal and political strife. I'm still on the fence about putting a performative element into it. I'm kind of obsessed with having the installation full of objects that can be activated, or not.

I'll have a better idea after my workshop weekend with Alison Knowles, kicking off on Halloween. So excited.So, so, so excited. I have also been reading "Fantastic Reality- Louise Bourgeois and a story of modern art," finally out in paperback.

In between articulation of my thesis, and everything else, I've really found solace in my studio, and have picked up some layers on a few paintings that have been begging for attention. In this space of reflection, consternation and some difficult remembrances, it feels good to have accomplished these layers.

Here they are!

1) Atmosphere is everything-Oil on Canvas

2) Judge, Jury and everything lost-oil on canvas

3) Lakeshore at night- acrylic on canvas

3)Vanity Box-Acrylic, US Weekly, and Resin on wooden box

Now back to banging my proverbial head on the keyboard...


Bella Spills said...

Can't wait for the Alison Knowles workshop, as well. I can't believe I'll actually get to see you in person again!

I'm looking forward to your thesis work with photobooths and pinball machines. They're only two of my most favorite things, afterall.

Oh, and I'll need to borrow your Louise Bourgeois book when you're through. :P

sparker said...

Finally made it on over to the blog.
Love the pics of the work!

No wonder the thesis was received better than you could have hoped.

Dawn said...

WOW you have some crazy stuff...I like it. Keep it up!

Amanda said...

Are any of those paintings for sale? Because I want one.